Great brakes are essential as the faster you go, the quicker you need to stop. Our stock brakes are good from the start but we change them at 18k miles (still had plenty of meat) to EBC redstuff. We found these are a tad better than stock, incl. the price.
Now, there is a long break-in period which might not be ideal for many Abarth owners. Basically what you have to do, is get up to speed and brake hard a few times. Best way to do this is when there’s no cars around, that can be quite tricky. Also you want to let the brakes cool down by keep rolling and not come to a complete stop.
That set of pads lasted 38k miles on the car but could had gone longer. At 56k miles we went with Stoptech slotted rotors and EBC redstuff again. Now, it feel way better. We really like it. Though, they should bite better after the break-in period.
There will be brake dust, especially when you break-in. After that, it’s less brake dust but there will always be some dust no matter. Unless you don’t brake, at all.
In general EBC redstuff has good reviews, there’s a few that don’t like them. Some says greenstuff is better, while we find that hard to believe we can’t say yes or no as we haven’t tested them. No matter if you go green, red or yellow. You can get all of these goodies at Ask for Ibramin if you want the greatest guy.
Tip: Wax your wheels and the dust will come off much easier, next time you wash.
Photo by: Justin James Goen.